Quote Form





Circle Industrial Manufacturing
1613 W. El Segundo Blvd.
Compton, CA 90222
Tel: 310.638.5101
Fax: 310.638.6702

General Contractor
Lic. No. 196066 Since 1951
UL Approved Control Panels

Please fill out the following form and hit the submit button.

Circle Industrial Manufacturing


Customer Information



Company Name:            Date:

Company Contact :       Phone Number:

Company Address:      Fax Number:

       City, State, Zip:

Product Information

Please provide information on the product you will need the oven to process.


Product Description:

What material is the part to be proceed:

If a rack is used to hold parts what material is it made of:

What is the weight of all parts per rack if used:

Height of the largest part:

Width of the largest part:

Length of the largest part:



Moisture Dry-Off

Power Curing                                        Pounds of powder sprayed per hour pounds

Solvent Cure                                         Gallons of solvent sprayed per hour gallons

Water Borne                                          Gallons of water sprayer per hour gallons

Electro Deposition                                 Gallons of solvent per hour gallons

Atmospheric                                            Gallons of solvent per hour gallons

Oven Construction


Oven Size (ID)     Width     x     Height     x     Length

Oven panel thickness required (typically 1" per 100 deg F) 3"     4"     5"     6"

Oven floor:     None     Same as panel thickness

Maximum operation temperature of the oven: degrees F.

Gas or Electric heat source:    Gas    Electric

Air flow in oven:     Sides to top     Side to side

What is the best location for the heat chamber four oven     Top     Side   Back


Utility Requirements


Voltage requirements:     460V/3PH/60HZ    208V/2PH/60HZ    230V/3PH/60HZ

Minimum gas requirements: 1,000 BTU/CFH @ 10" WC minimum / 1 PSI maximum gas

Insurance requirements:     FM (Factory Mutual)     IRI (Industrial Risk Insurers)     Other

Motor specifications:     ODP (Open drip proof)     TEFC (Totally enclosed fan cooled)

Any space constraints:

Conveyor Information


Conveyor line speed (design)    FPM

Hanger length (top of rail to top of part) inches

Parts are hung of the design centers of inches

Type of conveyor:         I-Beam Track    Enclosed Track    Other

Conveyor turn radius:     18"    24"    30"    36"    48"    Others



    Gravity Hoods ñ size and location

    Powered Air Curtains

     AQMD Permits

    Building Department Permits

    Seismic Calculations

     Special color for oven

Standard Features Include


* 20 gauge Electro-Galvanized steel interior and exterior sheet metal skins on all oven panels.

* Allen-Bradley Disconnect, motor starters, push buttons, and switches.

* Flame Safe Guard Systems.

* Digital Temperature Controller

* Digital Hi-Limit Controller

* Exhaust Fan properly sized for application

* Maxon burners

* NEMA 12 Control Panel

* Shop testing of controls, gas manifold, and fan/burner box

* Complete installation instructions.

* 50+ years of design and manufacturing experience to meet your finishing needs!